When I first got into making beer at home, I bought a wort ready beer kit from the local home wine and beer store.  Wort ready beer kits are probably the easiest and most inexpensive way to get started.  Well, the truth is that wasn’t the first time I tried to make beer.  My first attempt was when I was in grade 12 and I made beer from a malt extract kit in my parents’ basement.  I told my parents it was a school science project.  My Mom never said anything until a Christmas supper in my late 40’s and told me that she didn’t believe me and figured out what I was doing.  But the beer spoiled.  I figured it was because I didn’t keep things clean and air born yeast got into it.  There was a whole slew of things I did wrong.

Making beer from a wort ready kit requires the least amount of equipment, time and skills.  The kit comes in a box with the water and hops already added to the malt extract in a plastic bladder. 

To make the wort yourself does require a 6-gallon stainless steel pot, then you have to add the hops at differ times during the boil period.  This is why the Wort Ready Kits are a lot easier to get started with because it removes this step, the extra equipment and skills that are required.

To Start making your beer from the work kit, there is an easy guide to follow. In this post I’m going to provide a list of steps then step by step instructions explaining these instructions. At every step, remember that you must make sure your equipment is cleaned and sterilized.

Step 1 – Activate the Yeast
Step 2 – Prepare the Wort
Step 3 – Fermenting
Step 4 – Racking
Step 5 – Bottling