On the weekend of February 6h – 8th, 2020, the Craft Maltsters Conference was held in Fort Collins Colorado, US. The conference kicked off with open house tours of several local craft maltsters, followed by 2 days of classroom style lectures on the Colorado State University campus on everything from steep schedule design to QC programs in the malt house.

This was the 2nd year the Craft Maltsters Guild has opened up the has held the competition open to American Maltsters. There are 2 categories: Pale and Munich at this competition. Samples are sent to upstate New York to make sure the specs fit are met for each category. The samples were then shipped off for blind Hot Steep wort sampling in numerous locations around the U.S. to qualified breweries’ sensory panels.

This year Briess won 2nd place in the Munich category. This is great news for North American liquid malt extract brewers. With having one of the best maltsters in the world right in our backyard means even better beers for us.

First Published on February 11 by David Richter